September 9, 2024

Study compares effect of electronic cigarettes, cigarettes, waterpipes and smokeless tobacco on dental implants

Study compares effect of electronic cigarettes, cigarettes, waterpipes and smokeless tobacco on dental implants

Smokers have been shown to have a higher chance of developing peri-implant disease. However, there is a lack of research comparing cigarettes with popular alternative products that contain nicotine in this regard. To fill the gap, a recent study has compared the effects of electronic cigarettes, waterpipes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco on the peri-implant mucosa. The researchers reported that e-cigarettes caused the least harm to the soft tissue around dental implants compared with the other three nicotine-containing products examined in the study.

According to lead author Dr Orsolya Vámos from the Department of Prosthodontics at Semmelweis University in Budapest, some nicotine-containing products, such as waterpipes and smokeless tobacco, are often incorrectly perceived as less harmful than traditional cigarettes and have thus grown in popularity in recent years. She explained that the components found in tobacco smoke can induce inflammation in the gums and that nicotine constricts blood vessels, thus reducing blood flow to the tissue and hindering the healing process after implant placement.

To compare the effect of nicotine-containing products on peri-implant tissue, the researchers conducted a systematic review of the literature and then a network meta-analysis of the eligible 32 studies.

The data showed that non-smokers had the smallest marginal bone loss, whereas the majority of nicotine-containing product users had significantly higher marginal bone loss compared with non-smokers. In general, most nicotine-containing product users presented with worse peri-implant parameters compared with non-smokers. However, e-cigarette users did not show significant differences from non-smokers in many outcomes.

The study, titled ‘The effect of nicotine-containing products on peri-implant tissues: A systematic review and network meta-analysis’, was published in Nicotine and Tobacco Research.


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